2024 Binche Fishing Derby Official Weigh Stations
- Binche Bay Store & Fuel
- Pleasant Bay
- Nakalat Lodge

Donating Fish
If you wish not to keep your fish caught, we will be accepting fish donations for our Elders and Members of Binche, please drop off at Binche Bay Store & Fuel or Pleasant Bay weigh stations.
Protecting the Environment
To avoid the spread of invasive species PLEASE ensure All FOREIGN WATERCRAFTS entering the derby are cleaned prior to launching into Stuart Lake.
Your Safety is priority
Stuart Lake is known for quick weather changes; please tell someone where you will be fishing. If weather worsens, head for shore.
We suggest you buy an official marine chart of Stuart Lake to become acquainted with the layout of the lake, its hazards, and channels. The RCMP and Conservation Officer Service may be present for the duration of Fishing Derby- you may be stopped for a random check.
Radio communiqués: Use Marine Channel 68 for Boat-to-Boat Communication and Channel 16 for EMERGENCIES.
Adult & Youth tickets are $90 for a Combo Pack entering the Rainbow & Char Divisions plus 3-Bonus Participation Draw tickets.
Children ages 5 to 11 are free as long as one Parent has a valid ticket.
Tickets can be purchased at:
Binche Bay Store & Fuel,
BNK Automotive
Canco (Suspenders General Store)
Ace Hardware
Prizes & Categories:

2024 Binche Fishing Derby Rules:
1. Accepts to hold the Derby officials, sponsors, their agents, servants and/or employees, harmless from any liability of any nature for injuries or damages suffered by the entrant during the period of the derby.
2. Are entitled to one main cash prize per category. Participants may enter more than one fish. If succeeding fish is larger, the smaller fish with least value will be withdrawn.
3. May enter Char (Char Division) over 5lbs only or Rainbow Trout (Rainbow Division) over 6lbs only caught in Stuart Lake by rod & reel with barbed or non-barbed hook and line. Tributary waters are excluded.
4. Accepts that official weigh-in will not take place until the entrant presents their official derby registration ticket to the Weigh Master in charge and agrees all fish entered in the Derby must be weighed in at an official Weigh Station by the Weigh Master on the day caught.
Must enter the fish whole and FRESH caught within an hour prior to being entered, (not gaffed, gutted, snagged or gill-netted), on or before closing of weigh station and winner will be determined by the weight of the fish only. Fish will be examined but not limited to for net line marks, bleached and slimy gills, gaff marks, freezer burns, clouded eyes, unresponsive flesh-any of which can disqualify the fish. The decision is entirely up to the Weigh Master, and his/her word is final and not reviewable.
5. Accepts that fish weight is determined by full ounces only. No fractions of ounces will be recorded. Weigh Master will record fish in grams if a tie breaking criteria should two fish according to the date and time recorded on the fish entry form will be the winner. The second or subsequent fish, entered at the same weight will assume the next lower position, and so on until all positions are filled. Derby participants accept that the decision of the Weigh Master will be final and not reviewable in any form. Accepts after official weigh in is complete; the fish will be gutted and cleaned in the presence of the Weigh Master.
6. Have your Ticket with you at all Times.
7. Have a Valid British Columbia Non-Tidal Angling License, unless you’re exempt by law.
8. Practice safe boating, and be courteous to others and comply with the Safe Boating Guide given out by Transport Canada (https://tc.canada.ca/sites/default/files/migrated/tp_511e.pdf).
9. Must comply with regulations set out in 2022 – 2024 BC Freshwater Fishing Regulations Synopsis.
10. Accepts that all decisions made by the Derby Committee and/or Weigh Masters are final and not reviewable.
11. Accept the official hours of the 9th Annual Binche Fishing Derby as following.
6:00 AM to 7:00 PM
Starting on Wednesday June 26th and ending Sunday June 30th, 2024
12. Ceremony for all prizes will be held on Monday, July 1st at 12:00 PM at Binche Community Center. ALL CASH & MATERIAL PRIZE WINNERS MUST BE PRESENT AT THE CEROMONY TO CLAIM PRIZE(S).
13. Results will be posted at www.binche.ca at the end of each day.
***Please note that we will not accept phone calls or emails from anyone that will be late coming to weigh station due to any reason, if you are not here before closing of weigh stations in person with your fish, it will not be accepted or recorded. Wednesday June 26th – Sunday June 30th – 6:00 AM to 7:00 PM
3 – Official Weigh Station Locations:
1. Binche Bay Store & Fuel
2. Pleasant Bay
3. North Arm – Nakalat Lodge