Please be advised that the Binche Whut’en Band Office and the Nancy Tom Health Center are currently operating in a Covid Safe state. This will remain in effect until December 15, 2020 at which time it will be re-evaluated.
This means that:
- Entry to Binche Band office and Nancy Tom Health Center are restricted to “by appointment only” for essential service
- Services to membership will continue and members may call, or email, and speak to staff to access any service or program they may need
- No hosting or attending meetings in person
- Masks are mandatory at all times, for all staff and for any member or visiting professional that comes into the building for essential service
- Staff may not travel between public buildings, for example Ad min staff may not enter the Health Centre and visa versus. We will keep in our own bubbles.
- Absolutely no staff ride sharing or giving rides outside your immediate bubble
- Health staff must wear full PPE when attending Elders for home care or when providing any other health service such as footcare. These are essential services and will continue.
- Only one person will be allowed in a building at a time, before entering a building please be prepared to wear a mask, and you will be asked a series of questions and have your temperature taken.
- As per Provincial orders office staff that can work from home will do so. Senior staff will evaluate the individual work loads and make this decision, assigning suitable work to these staff members and daily touching base through Zoom etc.
You may reach staff members as follows:
Mia Seymour 250-648-3232
Week Days 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM
Membership and Election Officer
Paul Haskell 250-648-3232 extension 1001
Week Days 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM until December 31, 2020
Health and Planning Coordination
Carrie Nash 250-648-3232 extension 1007
Tuesday thru Friday 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM
Patient Travel – CHR
Tracy Baldwin 778-727-1426
Week Days 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM
Social Assistance
Dawn Morris 250-648-3232 extension 1006
Week Days 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM
Finance Manager
Norman Alexis 250-648-3232 extension 1013
Week Days 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM
Band Manager
Kelley Williams 778-978-6941 (mobile)
Week Days 8:30 AM – 2:00 PM