Please fill out the following application if you are requesting a house or rental unit on Binche Reserve #2. Applications will be reviewed based on priority bases and on financial standing with Binche Whut’en or Binche Keyoh Bu Society and/or any other entity owned by Binche. More information maybe required if applicant is successful.
PRIORITY not in order and/or limited too…
* Registered Binche Member.
* Age 65 and over.
* Priority to Binche on reserve residence.
* Homelessness – The situation of an individual or family without stable, safe, permanent, appropriate housing.
* Adult children living with parents in a home sharing with family members.
* Elders living independently without care assistance.
* Currently occupant in a home with stairs or two-level home.
* Current home is in deteriorated condition.
* Children reunited with family from Ministry care.
* Over crowdedness.
* Unsafe Environment.
Completed application can be emailed to: [email protected] or mailed or dropped off at:
Binche Keyoh Bu Society Binche Whut’en Administration
316 BK Way 204 Mandine Dr.
PO Box 847 PO Box 2039
Fort St. James, BC Fort St. James, BC
V0J 1P0 V0J 1P0
OR the application can be done online below: