Welcome Davis Monk

Davis Monk

Community Engagement wellness Liaison Worker/ NADDAP Worker

Binche Whuten

Hello Binche Whuten Community Members.

I wanted to introduce myself as the new Community Engagement Wellness Liaison Worker for Binche Whuten. I will also be handling the NADDAP Program for any community members.

As the community engagement wellness worker I will be handling the programs to help promote wellness, health, community & family. I would like to hear back from the members of Binche Whuten as what you all may like to see as wellness programs in the community. I will have program that will relate to the culture and traditions of our native culture.

I will also be handling the NADDAP Program – which is also the Intake for Treatment & Detox for community members. This program allows me to assist the members in the Intake process for Treatment and or detox.

If you have questions, or if you want book an appointment please don’t hesitate to call me at the Binche Community Office. 250-648-3232


Davis Monk